Fast Blinking Hello Kitty

Thursday 6 June 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t...selawat serta salam dihadiahkan dengan sepenuh hati kepada kekasih ALLAH,Nabi Muhammad saw..salam mahabbah kepada sahabat2 sekalian..jom sama2 kita sebarkan cintaNYA dengan salam dan senyum kepada sesama hambanNYA..

Pada peluang kali ni,saya nak konsikan tip2 utk mereka yg bergelar pelajar perubatan dan utk jadi inspirasi utk saya jgk yg bkal jd future doctor in shaa ALLAH..doakan lah ye wahai sahabat2ku..:)..Doctor mu'minah to be..amin..tapi ni saya copy paste dari page persatuan ISLAM yang saya join selama ni kat u saya ni..nah baca la semua ye tip2 ni,semoga bermanfaat utk kita semua..have happy reading!!..

8 Tips For Medical Students:

1) This is going to be tough. It needs to be said. You will not be prepared for the years ahead, no matter what you do. This will test you further than you’ve probably been tested before. But that’s okay too. Take up challenges one by one, work hard, and things will be fine.
2) Forget personal boundaries and prejudices. If you are uncomfortable touching people intimately, or discussing sex, death and various body functions, or dealing with a particluar group of people...the bad news is; you have to do it.

3) Do things your own way. Your friends may use those books, or may study in that place, or that way...but that doesn’t have to mean squat to you. Do not compare your methods with others.
4) Medicine is awesome.There will be times when you question your motivation, these moments will usually come before major exams. Those moments will pass.
5) Make friends. You will need them. You will moan with them, exchange advice with them, work with them. Some of them may be future colleagues.
6) Take it seriously. This is not high school. Medicine isn't a correspondence course, because you need to watch, observe, learn by doing and discussing.
7) Be humble. Everybody can teach you something. Your lecturers, your classmates, other healthcare professionals, and your patients, of course, are experts in the very subject you want to be most knowledgeable about...themselves.

8)It’s not all about medicine. It may sound cliche, but you will fall into this trap sooner or later. You may think you do not have the time for hobbies, or friends, or a social life. You do.
Of course, becoming a doctor is a journey that is different for everybody. The main focus to keep in mind, is that this is supposed to be a challenge...and that it’s worth it.

Dah baca kawan2??..kutiplah manfaat dan ambillah teladan dari kelemahan..minta maaf kalau ada salah dan silap dalam penulisan ini..terima kasih kepada page persatuan AISA yg bnyak berkongsi ilmu dgn pelajar2..:)..sirru ála barokatillah..